There are lots of ways you can get involved with the Connecting the Culm project and help us to protect and restore the health of the River Culm and the surrounding landscape…

Stay in contact

Subscribe to our e-newsletter to get the latest news from the Connecting the Culm project. Once you’ve signed up, please go to your email inbox to confirm your email address.

    Or send us an email at

    A group of people at Dunkeswell Abbey

    Join us at an event

    We arrange a variety of different activities throughout the year across the Culm catchment for people to get involved in. Check out our events page for upcoming events.

    Browse our events
    Children taking part in river dipping activities at Coldharbour Mill's Power of Water day in August.

    Become a citizen scientist

    Help us assess the health of your local stream by monitoring its water quality and wildlife. You can do this by joining the Citizen Science Investigations (CSI) programme run by Westcountry Rivers Trust.

    Find out more about CSI

    Volunteering Opportunities

    If you’d like to get involved in helping to look after the Culm catchment, we would love to hear from you! There are a range of volunteer opportunities, such as taking part in vegetation surveys (with Devon Biodiversity Records Centre), getting involved with the community-led Culm Himalayan Balsam Action Group (HBAG) or helping to monitor Nature-based solutions that have been installed in the Culm catchment.

    To find out about the latest opportunities email

    Woman with outstretched arms smiling and holding a handful of Himalayan balsam


    If you are a landowner in the Culm catchment and would like to find out more about funding available to install nature-based solutions on your land:

    Get in touch via email

    Or call the Culm Catchment Officer, Lucy Jefferson

    Tel: 07866 212224

    Field showing two ponds with trees in the background